Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Back Up Plan

I have to make a confession here: I went for a movie last night with my friend, which I should not because it's time to start my final clinical report. Well, it has been a long, long time since my last visit to the cinema that I could not even remember when. So God, forgive me for this one. (lol)

Well, nothing too great about this movie but some good laugh. One thing worth mentioning is that Jennifer Lopez's name in that movie is Zoe. What a beautiful name huh! Muahahaha... And, she is beautiful and sexy. I never take a good look at her before but after this movie, no doubt that she looks gorgeous!

This movie reminds me of my ex colleague from Canada. We study the same program, except for I am in Master level and he is in Doctorate level. We went out for a movie couple months ago, I believe it was January and the movie was Sherlock Holmes. That was the first time we went out and to me, it was a casual hanging-out with friend. However, it seems like he did not think the same. In the middle of the movie, he suddenly wanted to hold my hand. He could not find my hand but my finger. LOL! Luckily he didn't ask for a kiss at the end of the day. That makes it the last time we went out. There are times when I think people rush into a relationship too soon, just like what shown at the beginning of this movie.

Anyway, besides some feeling of guilty, it was a great night with some good food, romantic movie and a dear friend. Just a reminder for myself, "Time to get up and run, Zoe!"

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