Wednesday, September 12, 2007


My life has been so busy ever since I left my host family in New Jersey. I do not have enough time to sleep, do not even dream about entertainment. I wake up every morning at 7am or sometimes 8am and most of the time sleep at 1am or 2am. Then I will travel here and there by bus or bike to seek for my living.

Today is another typical busy day. I woke up at 7am, stepped out at 8am and back home at 11pm. I am really tired... Hope what I have done today is going to have a good harvest later. It is just a very brief and quick update of my life here. I would write more IF I have time sooner or later...


Anonymous said...

Hey, take good care yourself ya. Today is your birthday right? Happy birthday ya. Long time no see, miss u much oh!! Wish you have a wonderful birthday there la. Muaksss...

Anonymous said...

Haha, is me Yee Boon la. Happy happy ya. Jz now forgot write name

Zoe said...

Oh My GOSH!!! Yee Boon!! I never expect to see you here!! How's life? Everything good? I miss you much as well. Sometimes my mom and I talked bout you and I know that you are in good condition. I saw your photo and you are so slim now! hehe! Thank you for remembering my Bday and your precious wishing. :) do give me your phone number so that I can call you sometimes, OK? Take good care, keep in touch.

lampfly said...

Hey, friend. It's has been quite some time that din really keep in touch with u, anyhow glad to know that u enjoy ur life there. Must do take care and 'HAPPY 23th BIRTHDAY'. Have a great one!

lampfly said...
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Zoe said...

thank you so much lampfly! i am old lu... thank you for still remembering.. your wishes make me warm :) take good care and keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

Strong girl, must always happy.. addd oil, i always support you.. mentally.. haha


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